Thursday, October 6, 2011

My name is Kristy....and it has been 5 months since my last Blog post!!

 Im back! I cant believe it has been 5 months since I last Blogged!! WOW. So I have decided to return and get back to blogging only difference now is it wont always be crafty stuff, I will blog pics and about life in general. I Have been going through changing moments lately...I dont really know what else to call it?? Im going to use the 3 pics below to try and explain where my head space has been the past half a year.

So after 12 years together and almost 9 years of marriage my husband and I have separated. We have 3 beautiful children together who we are trying to make this as easy a transition as possible. I recently moved out of the family home and got a gorgeous little house for me and my kids. It has been a difficult time with lots of negativeness that I have tried to block out with help from some REALLY truly amazing you all know and I want to mention because one night when I rang her bawling and felt so I had no one to cry to {as my Mumma is no longer alive :( } she got in her car late at night and drove 2 hours to come hop in bed and cuddle me even though her hubby had plans the following morning which meant she had to leave early she still came. Now that is an amazing TRUE friend who was and is always there for me, big super dooper hugs and kisses to my bestie Kellie Winnell.
On a happier note, Kell and I are off on a cruise in 2 weeks for 10 days cruising the south pacific!!! Cant wait! I will definitely be blogging pics from our cruise journey heheh.
So apart from the above not much else has changed....Im still a princess hahah and now that I have cut back my hours at work to be home when the kids finish school I will hopefully have some more crafting and blogging time too./